Knowing our Inner Mother
Celebrating Mother’s Day – “But the Mother forgives you, She loves you, She sustains you and She teaches you how to love.” Shri Mataji
Celebrating Mother’s Day – “But the Mother forgives you, She loves you, She sustains you and She teaches you how to love.” Shri Mataji
Addressing common concerns about study and exams, such as anxiety and panic attacks before exams, poor sleep, feeling overwhelmed, peer and family pressure and negative feelings.
How can we end the cycle of negative thinking and emotions? Is the use of forgiveness affirmations and meditation, the answer?
The importance of nurturing our Self Realisation and how regular meditation strengthens the awakened mothering Kundalini energy to bring well being.
When our attention is good, we can settle our attention on the present moment and focus on what we are doing.
The Mooladhara chakra (energy centre) is situated at the base of our spine, under the sacrum bone. Its quality is innocence.
Mental, emotional and physical stress impacts our wellbeing and can lead to anxiety and panic attacks, poor sleep, feeling overwhelmed and negative feelings.
“Joy is not happiness and unhappiness but joy is an absolute thing and you jump into the ocean of joy. ” Shri Mataji
A ‘how-to’ on ways to use Sahaja Yoga Meditation techniques to cleanse negative emotions and stimulate the immune system.